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Friday, February 1, 2008

What is to become of us should Microsoft succeed in buying out Yahoo?

I found this on the Yahoo Answers board. It's always interesting to see what the actual users of Yahoo think. I found 5 negative comments and no positive comments. Not a good sign. Read the questions and answers below or view them online at

What is to become of us should Microsoft succeed in buying out Yahoo?
Answers (5)

1st Time Mummy 2 be

It would mena a million new rules and regulations and then they would close it down anyway

Probably will be for the worst.


Yahoo would be moved to www.MSN.crap


we might end up with


It'll probably mean that mircosoft get rid of this place and the yahoo home page get's changed to the mircosoft page and yahoo looses everything unique to them and they might scrap Yahoo! Mail which i really hope wont happen