Sonic Money is a sounding board for my personal investments strategies and stock research. It will be updated in real time. As I make moves in these financial waters you will be able to either join in or watch from the sidelines. Either way my goal is to make money every day through picking long term stock winners, shorting stocks that shouldn't be posting gains, betting on sectors that are experiencing tremendous growth, and posting profits that make people take notice.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm Long on Oil Stocks - Especially Deep Down, Inc.

Deep Down, Inc. is $1.38 a share. Yes you can own part of an oil company that specializes in finding oil offshore for under $2. This stock has had explosive growth and its a gem in rough.

I will be going long on this stock as soon as I can. The ticker is DPDW and I recommend that you get in at this point and hold on for a while.

Thinking Of Shorting TASR

Good Sunday Morning,

The serious traders never stop thinking about what new opportunities they might exploit. I have been working on some websites when I walked into my room and my iMac was showing me the the most interesting RSS feed on my screen saver. Oh this is going to sound bad, but not as bad as me invseting in Cephid (CPHD) when the anthrax scar hit, ok here we go:

Man Dies From Taser (read article on TASR)

This causes me mixed feelings. I feel bad for the man who died but I see what most investors are going to see on Monday. Canada, who just armed their version of the police, with these TASER's are going to see some resistance to using them in the future.

And oh yea didn't they just get a deal in England too? Didn't I read something about the brit's trading in their billy clubs for Tasers...(I always feel like Austin Power's saying laser when I say TASER)

This could spell trouble. Especially since this stock has lost about a third of its value since the beginning of October.

I am thinking about shorting this stock on Monday. After hours trading has the stock ticking down. This may be a good one or two day in and out profit pump.

I will keep you posted...