Sonic Money is a sounding board for my personal investments strategies and stock research. It will be updated in real time. As I make moves in these financial waters you will be able to either join in or watch from the sidelines. Either way my goal is to make money every day through picking long term stock winners, shorting stocks that shouldn't be posting gains, betting on sectors that are experiencing tremendous growth, and posting profits that make people take notice.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Big Jump Alert - TTWO - Take Two and Nintendo - NTDOY.PK


TTWO a stock that has been on our list for a while and it will experience a huge jump today. Its ups 5% in the pre-market trading. With Activision being bought by the makers of World of Warcraft we are going to see a bump in the gaming sector today. The it item this year is obvously the Ninentedo (NTDOY.PK) Wii. I dove to Carribou this weekend and saw a line that wrapped around the Best Buy. This stock was mentioned on our blog a couple of weeks back.

Please readers use these tips! I wasn't joking about this tireless research stuff.

TTWO will be the next take over target and this price and $14 - $15 is price to be in this stock.