Sonic Money is a sounding board for my personal investments strategies and stock research. It will be updated in real time. As I make moves in these financial waters you will be able to either join in or watch from the sidelines. Either way my goal is to make money every day through picking long term stock winners, shorting stocks that shouldn't be posting gains, betting on sectors that are experiencing tremendous growth, and posting profits that make people take notice.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Truth Hurts :(

Hi Folks,

I need to to report that my short positions on RICK and TASR cost me 3.8% in the last two to three days.

That's not the positive gains I am looking for. When your trading stocks you have to be like a quarterback, you have to have short memory. Face your loses and forget them.

I am doing much better riding the bull on Google's back.

Oh yea I have added YGE to the "Wish I owned it list" - Large producer of photo electric cells & its a Chinese based company & a bird told me that the photoelectric cell industry is about to heat up. Solar is going to be in big play before the end of 2007 (like oil is now)

Report more soon.

Purchased shares Of Google

I couldn't stand by and watch this stock go on. With their entry into alternative energy I can't just watch this stock break $700 and not take advantage of it. Well I am in.

Purchased Google at $681.13, sorry couldn't resist.

Out of my short positions - TASR and RICK

I am out of my shorts ladies and gentleman. I think the bull market is going to run up everything. I may jump in GOOG or DPDW. I am also sniffing Nintendo.

Out of TASR too much good news lawsuits dismissed

The stock is up almost 4% uncomfortable with the stocks gains, covering my shorts early this morning. It will be a challange because I will have to look at how many bids (people want to buy the stocks) are out there versus the asks (people want to sell).

Basically TASR got a couple of the lawsuits dismissed which is bad for me and good for taser...